Friday, August 24, 2007


Prayer for Peace

O Great Spirit of our Ancestors, I raise my pipe to you, to your messengers the four winds, and to Mother Earth who provides for your children. Give us the wisdom to teach our children to love, to respect, and to be kind to each other so that they may grow with peace in mind. Let us learn to share all the good things that you provide for us on this Earth.

Source: The Peace Abbey

Prayer to the Voice in the Winds

O Great Spirit, whose Voice I hear in the Winds,
Hear me -- for I am small and weak:
I need Your Strength and Wisdom.
I seek Strength, O Great One, not to be superior to my Brothers --
But to conquer my greatest enemy: Myself.
I seek Wisdom: the Lessons You have hidden
In every Leaf and Rock so that I may learn
And carry these messages of Life and Hope to my People.
May my hands respect the many beautiful things You have made;
May my ears be sharp - to hear Your voice.
May I always walk in Your beauty;
And let my eyes behold the red and purple Sunset
So that when Life fades with the setting Sun,
My Spirit will come to You without shame.

Source: Submitted by Beliefnet member Kaqtukwawsisipuskw

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